Consulting Services
We utilize a partner-centered, collaborative, and culturally responsive approach to plan and facilitate projects with school district and other partners.
We prioritize partnerships to ensure that expectations are met, the work is informed by staffs’ expert knowledge and lived experiences, and all deliverables have a meaningful impact.
CEI’s experience and expertise uniquely positions us to support major school district transformation efforts and projects that make school more meaningful and relevant for today’s learners.
Our core competencies:
- Designing and facilitating community-driven planning processes with deep understanding of Colorado school and district systems.
- Building capacity around and integrating authentic family and community partnership;
- Data collection, analysis, reporting, and visualization.
- Change management.
- Group facilitation and consensus building.
We provide a diverse set of core services that are responsive to partner needs and customized to the local context.
Current service examples include:
- Developing a shared vision of student outcomes to anchor school/school district work.
- School district graduate profile
- School district strategic planning.
- Supporting school/school district application or implementation through the Empowering Action for School Improvement (EASI) grant.
- Supporting holistic review, improvement planning, turnaround leadership development, family and community engagement, early implementation
- Identifying and/or creating high-quality measures that support continuous improvement work for schools/school districts.
- Strategic data planning, facilitating data inquiry, climate or Individual Career and Academic Planning (ICAP) survey design, performance assessment/Capstone design
- Executive coaching for board and/or school/district leadership.
- Aligning leadership toward a shared vision, succession planning
- Facilitating opportunities for high-impact family and community engagement.
- Professional development and coaching for reengaging students and building infrastructure for systems of integrated social emotional development.
- Supporting relationship-rich environments, mental health, restorative practices
- Facilitating high-quality and equitable career-connected learning opportunities for students.
- Supporting school/school district work through the School Counselor Corps Grant Program.
- Assessing needs, doing an environmental scan, planning support
- Supporting school/school district work through the Student Re-Engagement Grant Program.
- Assessing needs, planning support, professional development
Let us know how we can partner to advance possibility with your team and work.
“We are truly individuals and people to them, and not dollars and not programs. And I think that’s what helps us connect with them so well, and that they’ve taken such a personal interest. And I would like to think that that would continue whether they scale up to service all 176 districts in the state or service 30 districts in the state.”
– Rural Superintendent