Creating Colorado’s Talent Pipeline

Denver’s Money Talk 1860AM | May 17, 2016 As a Colorado Business Roundtable partner agency, Colorado Workforce Development Council joins us once a month to discuss growth and progress of our state’s talent pipeline and developing a strong workforce in a program we call, “Creating Colorado’s Talent Pipeline”, with guest host Stephanie …

Groups partner to offer student activities training

Steamboat Today | April 29, 2016 RMC Health, the Colorado Department of Education and The Colorado Education Initiative are partnering to present a training session for school-level staff to foster healthy student choices outside the classroom, according to a news release. Read more

M-CHS will offer more advanced opportunities

By Jacob Klopfenstein, The Journal | April 28, 2016 Funding from the Colorado Education Initiative will give Montezuma-Cortez High School students more opportunities to enroll in Advanced Placement classes, Principal Jason Wayman said. The program is focused on getting more Native American students involved with math, science and language arts AP …

School District Unplugs to Get Teachers Talking

May 2, 2016 When Mesa County Valley School District 51 wanted to get their teachers talking about large initiatives like performance-based learning, professional learning, and educator effectiveness, they faced a challenge — their size. D51 is the 12th largest district in Colorado. Reaching out to staff at over 44 sites seemed daunting …