Elliott Asp Presents at iNACOL

Educators in New Hampshire, Virginia, Colorado and California have embarked on an ambitious journey to fundamentally rethink the roles of assessment in student learning. The entry points are different in each state. Some are led by districts, others by the state. But all share a commitment to richer, deeper assessments …

CEI Strategy for 2017: A Message from Rebecca Holmes

September 20, 2017 Dear Friends, Colorado Education Initiative (CEI) is proud to be celebrating a decade of partnering with, and learning alongside, Colorado’s K-12 public schools. Along the way, we’ve uncovered opportunities for innovation, made connections locally and nationally, and built strong relationships that have turned into trusted partnerships. We’ve …

"We’ve Got This"

Colorado Champion for Public Education Receives Recognition August 22, 2017 CEI Senior Partner Elliott Asp received the esteemed CASEY Award during the 48th Annual CASE (Colorado Association of School Executives) Convention, held in late July in Breckenridge. The annual CASEY Award honors a current non-educator who has made a significant contribution …