January 17, 2018 CEI is excited to share the launch of two Learning Networks for two of our Big Bets — High School Redesign and Competency-Based/Personalized Learning. Our strategy release last September reinforced CEI’s vision that all Colorado students develop not only the academic, but also the professional, personal, entrepreneurial, and civic …
Here’s An Innovative Idea: Give Students A Say In Teaching
By Jenny Brundin, Colorado Public Radio | January 17, 2018 The first thing you need to know about Daniel Sharpe is that he grew up in a really small town of a few hundred people; Lake City on Colorado’s Western Slope. There he’d go to school, and the teacher would …
School Hasn’t Changed In A Generation. These Colorado Educators Want To Upend That
By Jenny Brundin, Colorado Public Radio | January 10, 2018 So what’s really the problem with school? Our school systems are still set up much like they were 100 years ago. Traditional schooling still relies on grades, tests, homework, lectures, competition, punishments and rewards. Read more
Durango High School Advanced Placement Students Earn Christmas Bonuses
Durango Herald | December 4, 2017 More students are taking advanced-placement classes at Durango High School, and one of the main reasons is the school’s involvement with a grant program that helps students, the teachers, and the school with equipment, professional development assistance, extra study sessions, mock exams, and even …
Elliott Asp Presents at iNACOL
Educators in New Hampshire, Virginia, Colorado and California have embarked on an ambitious journey to fundamentally rethink the roles of assessment in student learning. The entry points are different in each state. Some are led by districts, others by the state. But all share a commitment to richer, deeper assessments …
Why the World Needs More Learners
By Paul Beck November 3, 2017 Ask most anyone and they’ll agree today’s world is not like it was 10, 25, or 50 years ago. And the future? It will change in greater degrees, in ways we cannot begin to predict. Those of us invested in education are then left …
Mighty in Presence: The Teacher Innovator at Work
By Amanda Avallone, Education Week | October 20, 2017 5:23 PM Classes are in session right now, so the halls of Thomas B. Doherty High School in Colorado Springs, CO, are empty and nearly silent. From behind the walls of the classrooms we pass, only the rumbling, low tones of the …
CEI Strategy for 2017: A Message from Rebecca Holmes
September 20, 2017 Dear Friends, Colorado Education Initiative (CEI) is proud to be celebrating a decade of partnering with, and learning alongside, Colorado’s K-12 public schools. Along the way, we’ve uncovered opportunities for innovation, made connections locally and nationally, and built strong relationships that have turned into trusted partnerships. We’ve …
Elliott Asp has done it all (pretty much) in Colorado education. Here’s his take on where we stand.
By Marissa Page, Chalkbeat | September 7, 2017 When it comes to Colorado education, Elliott Asp has seen it all. He taught for several decades before serving as assistant superintendent in the Douglas County and Cherry Creek school districts, moved to the Colorado Department of Education and was appointed interim education …
Viewpoint: Innovation in Public Schools is Key to Colorado’s Future
By Demesha Hill, Denver Business Journal | September 1, 2017 Embracing innovation and taking calculated risks are two core values that successful companies encourage every day. Whether they are in Tokyo, Silicon Valley, London, Bangalore or Denver, companies that embrace the unknown and challenge conventional wisdom position themselves for a …