School Retool: Small Hacks for Big Change

Colorado school leaders are redesigning their school cultures with small, scrappy experiments called “hacks.”

See what they’re learning in School Retool — a unique fellowship that helps educators deliver on Colorado’s vision for next generation learning, which lets students connect with the larger world; learn about careers; work on solving social problems; and develop skills they need to be happy, healthy, and productive adults.

Gaining Momentum in Fort Collins

When Poudre High School Principal Kathy Mackay signed up for CEI’s first School Retool, a one-of-a-kind leadership fellowship, she thought she would learn more about design thinking and project-based learning, but she walked away with much more.

“I found encouragement and momentum,” said Mackay. “It was a great way to surround myself with like-minded principals who were willing to take risks and try to make change. We created a support system to try something new whether it fails or succeeds.”

CEI launched School Retool in Colorado in 2016 and is one of only seven states offering this high-quality, customized professional learning experience.

Stay tuned for the announcement of the spring 2017 School Retool fellowship.

“School Retool showed me what entrepreneurs and small business people do to succeed. They try something, they learn from it, they move forward — it’s a great way to learn. We learned to have the courage to do something to make change.” -Principal Kathy Mackay, Poudre High School

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