Strategic Reopening Collaborative Toolkit

At this time, many organizations and individuals that CEI respects and works closely with have produced toolkits and guidance that include fantastic approaches and resources, many of which are linked to throughout our work.  However, what we believe makes this guidance different is that it links theory and ideas with …

Professional Development Services

We are educators and system leaders with first-hand experience guiding schools, teachers, and leaders towards cultivating change. CEI’s mission is to accelerate educational improvement and innovation across Colorado. We’re helping schools and districts do this by providing high-quality workshops in design thinking and social and emotional learning as well as …

high school redesign accelerator

Accelerating High School Redesign: Summer Camp for Educators

Rock Climbing. Javelin Throwing. Food Trucks. #RedesignRockstars. It all contributed to a unique and inspiring week in Denver, Colorado, where high school teams left with new ideas, strategies, and a commitment to ensuring equitable outcomes for youth in today’s high schools. More than 150 educators and youth in 30 teams …

Professional Development Services

The Colorado Education Initiative (CEI), an expert in K-12 systems change from the ground-up, is excited to offer contracted support for educators and administrators for district and school teams.  We are educators and system leaders with first-hand experience guiding schools, teachers, and leaders towards cultivating change. Read about our team. …

CEI Events and Opportunities

There is a lot going on at CEI in the next few months, and we want you to be in the know!  Check out the details below for a variety of webinars, events, and program opportunities featuring our flagship events: the High School Redesign Accelerator and the AP for All Summer …

To Whom Are Schools Most Accountable?

By Rebecca Holmes and Elliott Asp  |  June 26, 2018 Writing about the opportunities for innovation in Colorado’s school accountability system has led to a number of fascinating conversations, many of which we never predicted six months ago. As former school and system leaders, we are compelled by the consequences, …

How to Make School One 13-Year Journey

May 1, 2018 By Jeri Crispe Secondary Education Director, Thompson School District Imagine starting every school year completely from scratch. A new classroom. A principal who you don’t know and doesn’t know you. Different colleagues. New rules and expectations. New lesson plans. You would start every year in uncharted territory. …